Part #1 The Importance of Securing WordPress Internet hackers may be many things, but stupid is not one of them. They appreciate the talents of WordPress as much as you do. In fact, its high degree of user popularity has made it one of their favorite targets. It's time to...
Bit Spit #13 – WordPress 3.6 “Oscar” is out!
WordPress 3.6 “Oscar” Posted August 1, 2013 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases. The latest and greatest WordPress, version 3.6, is now live to the world and includes a beautiful new blog-centric theme, bullet-proof autosave and post locking, a revamped revision browser, native support for audio and video embeds, and...
Bit Spit #12 | WordPress under heavy attack…what are you doing about your WordPress Website?
WordPress Security Issues WordPress Security is of the utmost importance. As part of our commitment to our clients, we like to provide quality information and resources. See the following article by Bit Defender, (Bitdefender is the creator of award-winning, internationally certified Internet Security and Antivirus software for Home and Business...
WordPress Maintenance and Security Release
WordPress 3.5.2 Maintenance and Security Release WordPress 3.5.2 is now available. This is the second maintenance release of 3.5, fixing 12 bugs. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. The WordPress security team resolved seven security issues, and this...
WORDPRESS Vunerabilities | Are you safe and have you secured your WordPress website.
The WordPress platform is used by millions of bloggers and businesses and has been under massive bruteforce attack over the past week. Some are speculating whether or not this is just the start of something much bigger. So far according to TechNewsDaily, “90,000 WordPress blogs” have been attacked. The primary...