Part #1 The Importance of Securing WordPress
Internet hackers may be many things, but stupid is not one of them. They appreciate the talents of WordPress as much as you do. In fact, its high degree of user popularity has made it one of their favorite targets.
It’s time to do battle with those Internet bandits, and you can do that by implementing the WordPress security updates Calgary professionals know and trust. You need to stay one step ahead of the hackers, and the timely performance of WordPress security updates can head them off at the pass.
Securing the Database
The WordPress database is one of the hackers’ favorite playgrounds. That’s because it contains your site’s most sensitive information. Such security measures as changing the database prefix, either manually or with the help of a plugin, can aid in foiling them.
Permissiveness Will Come Back to Bite You
When performing WordPress security updates Calgary webmasters must be careful never to give full 777 permissions to any directory, folder or file. Keep the least-risky ones at 755 or 750 and assign 644 or 640 to the rest.
Don’t Give Away the Store
To the hacker, your WordPress version is one of the keys to the mint. WordPress 2.6 and later automatically add the version to the WP_head region, thereby making it visible to anyone who cares to look. You can manually locate and delete the line of code that does this, or you can use intelligent software that performs this chore for you along with the other essential WordPress security updates Calgary experts recommend.
It’s a Bird; It’s a Plane
On the Internet, a strong username and password can be your Superman, and if you think you’re doing well by logging in as “admin” with the name of your Chihuahua for a password, think again. Those are the first things your friendly neighborhood hacker will try. The proper password protection is vital for keeping them at bay, so if your login specs are weak, fix them.
Your Site May Already Be Sick
A workstation that labors under a malware infestation has already laid out the hacker welcome mat. Regular antivirus scans combined with a strong plan for damage control and disaster recovery are key components of the best WordPress security software.
Don’t Let it Happen to You
If you’re running WordPress, you’re already under attack. Fortunately, we can provide you with WordPress security updates…a service webmasters have come to trust. We perform the needed maintenance for you. The peace of mind that comes from knowing that your website is safe and protected will be, quite literally, priceless.
Check out our WordPress Whiz Services today!