Strong brands have more power to retain customers and acquire new ones, and have more amplification power—leading to the brand bandwagon effect. Build your Brand “Build it and they will come.” This could be your branding mantra. Customers are looking for brands they can identify with. Customers stick with brands...
Happy Holidays, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Merry Christmas from ours to yours…Calgary’s favorite Web Design Company!
Happy Holidays, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Merry Christmas from ours to yours...Calgary's favorite Web Design Company! and See our other YOUTUBE videos here and make 2014 your most successful every: [authorsure_authors]
Bit Spit #17, Part 4 The Importance of Backing Up WordPress
Part #4 Importance of Backing Up WordPress The loss of any valued object is sure to cause anxiety, and considering the work you've put into it, losing your blog could to be the worst of all.WordPress website owners are even more at risk than most, and that's due to the...
Bit Spit #16, Part 3, The Importance of Monitoring WordPress
Part #3 Importance of Monitoring WordPress According to the April 2013 TechNewsDaily, approximately 90,000 WordPress websites were attacked by hackers. This has brought the need for increased security and monitoring to the forefront of many WordPress website owner’s minds. While no website is safe from potential hackers, WordPress is one...
Bit Spit #15 Part #2: The Importance of Keeping WordPress Up To Date!
Part #2, The Importance of Keeping WordPress Up to Date! WordPress is one of the most popular blog and website content platforms in the world, but its popularity has a downside that has recently been revealed. Even though WordPress is simple to use and provides an extraordinary number of...