Not sure exactly what you want when it comes to Website Design? Honestly, you’re not alone! Designing your website doesn’t have to be a complex or daunting process, here are 3 Simple Steps we take to create a website:
1. Website Design is a process, to help us lay a foundation on which we can build a quality website we work with you gathering information to:
• Define who your target audience is, what their needs are, and what your needs are
• Develop a project brief, technical specification, and a project timeline
• Help make decisions about what type of site you’ll need, whether it’s e-commerce, Flash-based, or a content management system.
2. Now that the foundation has been set, the website’s visual design and development begins. Based on your target audience’s needs, we work with you to:
• Determine what information should be on your site
• Categorize the information into a site map
• Create an outline that focuses on functionality of the website
• Create and refine designs based on your feedback
3. As your website is being built, we will be doing constant quality assurance by testing and fine-tuning it to suit your goals. Once you select your final website design, we Bring it all Together and Launch it to the Web!
You and your target audience are the important elements of a great website design. Our Belief is that the Best Design Begins and Ends with You! Give us a call, we will Get you Started!
~ ~Dean Wolf, Director of Marketing & Alison Pasay, Project Manager ~