I just had a conversation with someone yesterday on password management, (Char) so I thought I would post this article on PASSWORDS! I IMPLORE you to read it. Don’t procrastinate, don’t wait, read it NOW, and then plan 15 minutes once a week, in your calendar to implement. May I suggest, every Wednesday morning first thing?!
Another day, another major data breach—and another article advising you to strengthen your passwords. These secret bits of information act as the keys to all of our important online accounts, from social networks to email inboxes to bank accounts.
That’s why choosing strong passwords, and managing them well, is so important. It could be the difference between keeping your identity safe and landing your information in hackers’ hands. Your password not the only security measure you need to think about, but it’s one of the most crucial.
Unfortunately, a lot of us are pretty bad at choosing passwords. We tend to pick ones that are easy to remember, and therefore easy to guess, and we tend to reuse them again and again. If you want to toughen up your personal password security, read on.