Bit Spit #9 | The Zen of Calgary Web Design

Ask a Calgary web design expert: What makes a good web designer?

All in all, good website design is an art form all its own. A truly creative and innovative site is 90% inspiration and 10% perspiration. Granted, it also takes knowledge and a solid understanding of several tools and techniques to create the perfect website for a business client. Upfront By Design is a Calgary web design company that brings state-of-the-art and art together.

Calgary Web Design
Calgary Web Design

There is a lot going on behind the scenes of any highly-functional website – and when it works properly, it looks easy. Knowing how to deal with a multitude of scripting languages such as PHP, PERL, JavaScript, and HTML or CMS (Content Management Systems) like WordPress and all its permutations, is just the tip of the iceberg. Coping with server-side versus client-side issues adds another level to the project. Making sure your website is found easily is another. Creating a mobile mirror of a site for smart phones and tablets is yet another aspect of web design that is easily overlooked.

Add to the gestalt the need to ensure the site is SEO-friendly, easy to maintain and update using a tool like WordPress, flexible enough to accommodate multiple browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox, and guarantee it to be fast and clean so it “pops” for every possible user.

When the site is done, and done right, it feels like how a field of roses looks: smooth and beautiful. Only the designers know where every thorn is and keeps that to themselves.
If this is what you need for your website then do not hesitate to contact us on 403-730-2040 #207.

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